My Fic Reclist

Homestuck Shrine

Links Page

My fics

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My AO3

Last updated 02.12.25


Hi! You can call me Shudder. I'm a fanwriter who bounces between fandoms, but I always end up going back to Homestuck and CATS (1998). Here's where you'll find some of my works and pages on things I enjoy. Please note; my account will feature any/all ratings, pairings, tropes, kinks, and ships that spark my interest. I also write RPF on occasion. If any of this upsets you, do not click onto it.

If you would like to add links to each other, please contact me!

Sign my guestbook here!

This website is not suitable for those under 18, as it may include explicit material and dark/upsetting themes. Thank you for keeping this in mind.

My website is ugly on mobile devices, but all pages except shrine(s) should be readable. I appreciate your understanding.